Work participation is at the heart of community. In addition to the contributions individuals and teams make to the functioning of Sand River throughout the year, various teams host seasonal community cleanup days.
FALL CLEANUP 2023This year's fall cleanup was a collaborative effort of the Landscape and Meals Teams with an ad hoc group putting the storage shed in order, and the community at large pitching in. The Meals Team provided a festively decorated great room and buffet with a variety of fruit and pastry offerings and fresh coffee. Landscape organized outdoor cleanup, including raking, mulching, fertilizing, as well as leaf storage for the winter compost operation. The storage detail cleaned and organized the shed, donating items no longer needed to the ReStore. Thanks to all who participated (see the slide show group shot for those who made it happen).
REMULCHING THE ACCESS PATH 2023In early October, Elaine, Jackie, Kathy, Kati, and Sarah S resurfaced the public access path along the edge of the arroyo with mulch. (photos by Elaine)
HALLOWEEN CLEANUP 2020Sand River made lemonade out of lemons in a time of pandemic. We gathered in late October for a masked and costumed cleanup day that included work, play, and repast. For a slide show of Sand River's lovely habitat at this time of year, go to SAND RIVER HABITAT, FALL 2020.
ACCESS PATH 2020Upgrading the public access path along the Arroyo de Los Piñones at the bottom of Sand River is the first phase in the creation of a Green Screen. This planned development of additional vegetation—consisting of native trees, shrubs, and plants—is providing habitat for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife. Following the upgrade of the path by leveling and installing a drainage feature, Elaine, Sandy, and Marvel mulched the path with wood chips (shown below) to signal to hikers the location of the path.
COMMON HOUSE TASKS 2019SPRING CLEANUP 2019Spring 2019's cleanup was a combined effort of the Landscape, Buildings & Grounds, and Library Teams, with a focus on the orchard, common landscape areas, shed, library, and signage. Refreshments were available for participants and there was a drawing for prizes, consisting of non-GMO plants, flowers, and seeds. Sand River compost was offered free to participating residents for their own gardens.
BOARD OF DIRECTORSServes as a governing body, as per bylaws, and confirms community decisions arrived at by consensus and/or fall-back voting
TREASURER / FINANCEAs a Board officer, manages the Sand River budget, investments, and reserve study matters with the assistance of the Finance Committee and input of the community
BOOKKEEPERKeeps records and pays bills
HUBAssists facilitator with the agenda for upcoming community business meetings
COVENANTSPreserves the aesthetic and monetary value of homes as well as residents' health and well-being
OUTREACHMaintains a public presence and identity in the larger community as well as serves as an interface with prospective residents via the Sand River website
ORIENTATIONAcquaints a new resident with details of their unit, the common house, and outdoor grounds
TOUR GUIDESTake visitors on tours of the community
LANDSCAPEFurthers property values, environmental beauty and sustainability, and community well-being by maintaining community trees and perennials, drip and water-harvesting systems, and compost; protects against erosion through swale and water-catchment maintenance; and consults with residents regarding care of personal and common areas
WELL-BEINGEnhances individual and collective well-being
SECURITYAdvises residents of secure practices; manages common house security
RESOURCESManages digital data storage, including governing documents as well as team minutes and documentation
GUEST ROOM COORDINATORTakes bookings, offers travel directions, provides keys, orients guest, and arranges for cleaning
MEETINGS IMPROVEMENTGathers and implements ideas and methods for improving monthly community business meetings
RESOLUTIONIdentifies and understands conflict or sources of conflict in the community; provides support and resources so that residents can learn to resolve their differences, thereby creating a more peaceful environment for all
GARDENWhen active, cultivates an organic garden and provides healthy food to nourish the community
MEALSProduces quarterly meals chart, sends out weekly announcement of meals, posts meal sign-up list, calculates meal cost, collects and gives money to treasurer for reimbursement
KITCHENEmpties dishwasher and sweeps floor
COMMON HOUSE USESchedules common house usage by residents and organizations they host
COMMON HOUSEManages its interior ambiance
GRAPHICSDevelops and maintains community branding, website, print media, and signage
FACILITATOR SCHEDULINGManages and updates the facilitator schedule for monthly community business meetings
TEAMS LISTManages and updates a list of team participants and resident representation on teams
BUILDINGS & GROUNDSMaintains the common house, shed, roads, pathways, drainages, and building exteriors; installs and maintains motion-detector lights as needed
LIBRARY Manages the library collection and reviews new acquisitions
ARCHIVESKeep records of meeting minutes and more; posts proposals for review