GARDEN 2024This growing season was a great success, thanks to the vision and expertise of Karen who spearheaded the project and could be seen watering and tending almost daily, along with the invaluable help of Kathy who contributed seeds, plants, and tended, Sandra who contributed plants and assisted with planting and thinning, and Priscilla who watered and harvested. The Meals Team put together a fabulous summer Everything Basil dinner with basil they picked from the garden. And many residents took advantage of the bounty of squash, tomatoes, peppers, and herbs offered throughout the summer.
GARDEN 2023Featured below are photos from the 2023 growing season with the raised-bed and ground-bed gardens planted and tended by Karen, point for Landscape, with the assistance of Landscape member Ginger. The tomatoes in the masonry raised bed were planted and cared for by Marvel, advisory member of Landscape.
“Garden as though you will live forever.”
—William Kent |
The emergence of a monarch butterfly at Sand River in early September is illustrated below. The Landscape Team at Sand River has encouraged the growth of native milkweed in the community as a critical food source for monarchs.
RAISED-BED GARDEN 2022The raised-bed garden is a pilot project, conceived of by Karen and Lyn. It is funded by the Sand River Community Awards. Local food production is a key aspect of sustainability in a time of uncertain climatic conditions and global instability. If the pilot project proves to be successful, it may be expanded to additional raised beds.
We have an organic community orchard and garden while a number of residents have their own personal gardens as well. Other expressions of sustainability at Sand River include a variety of water harvesting systems as well as a community compost operation, which builds soil for the common garden and landscape areas. Click on thumbnails for full photo. |