The raised-bed garden is a pilot project, conceived of by Karen Strickler Vinson and Lyn Deardorff. It is funded by the Sand River Community Awards. Local food production is a key aspect of sustainability in a time of uncertain climatic conditions and global instability. If the pilot project proves to be successful, it may be expanded to additional raised beds.
The emergence of a monarch butterfly at Sand River in early September is illustrated below. The Landscape Team at Sand River has encouraged the growth of native milkweed in the community as a critical food source for monarchs.
“The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses.”
—Hanna Rion We have an organic community orchard and garden while a number of residents have their own personal gardens as well.
Other expressions of sustainability at Sand River include a variety of water harvesting systems as well as a community compost operation, which builds soil for the common garden and landscape areas. Click on thumbnails for full photo. GREEN CLIMATE PV2EV SOLAR |